Please contact Michelle Daoud at for items you would like included in our M-LEEaD Newsletter
Share your achievements! Do you have any recent achievements that they would like us to share with NIEHS?
This information will be used to: 1) share information with other centers, 2) share data with NIEHS staff for internal presentations, and 3) update programmatic webpages.
Please be sure to clearly identify any proprietary information (i.e., information that should not publicly shared, e.g., if data are not yet published). Please consider providing highlights as short summaries with catchy headlines.
Please contact us with any achievements you would like to share!
The Michigan Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease (M-LEEaD) Center announces support to initiate new research projects or to extend existing projects that aim to define, explain, or mitigate impacts of environmental exposures during vulnerable stages of life. Projects that aim to include, develop, or expand research-community partnerships are encouraged. Additional information about the M-LEEaD Center and this Pilot Project Program can be found on the Center’s website (
Short-Term Targeted Pilot Project Grant:
Specifically, short-term Targeted pilot project grants must meet one of these objectives:
• Include a new community engagement component and/or initiate community based participatory research. The M-LEEaD Center’s Community Outreach & Engagement Core (COEC) facilitates multi-directional engagement of researchers and stakeholders. Investigators interested in engaging the COEC in community engagement or translational efforts must include a letter of support from COEC. Please contact Sharon Sand, COEC Program Coordinator at
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• Add a new collaborator with interdisciplinary expertise. Targeted applications that aim to add translational expertise to a basic science project or basic science expertise to translational projects are encouraged. Targeted projects cannot support percent effort of faculty.
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• Engage in an emerging field of environmental health sciences, including big data, exosomes/extracellular vesicles, or single cell genomics.
Funding Period: December 11, 2017 – March 31, 2018
Budgets should be prepared with a start date of December 11, 2017 and an end date of March 31, 2018. Awarded funds must be spent by March 31, 2018. This is a short-term targeted pilot project.
Eligibility: Any member of the University of Michigan Faculty (tenure-track or research track) is eligible to apply as Principal Investigator (PI). A proposal should have only a single PI.
Amount: Standard project budget requests may be up to $20,000. Projects that use M-LEEaD core services may be up to $26,000. It is anticipated that 2-3 awards will be made per objective.
Notice of Intent: November 6, 2017
An e-mail with your title and 2-3 sentence description of your project must be sent to Pilot Program Leader, Dr. Dana Dolinoy ( and Center Administrator, Michelle Daoud ( by 5:00 pm on November 6, 2017. This is needed in order to secure reviewers for an expedited review process. .
Final grant applications: on or before 5:00 p.m. November 21, 2017
Please follow this link for more details. Applications should be submitted electronically through the M-LEEaD website at (
The Michigan Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease (M-LEEaD) Center announces support to initiate new research projects or to extend existing projects that aim to define, explain, or mitigate impacts of environmental exposures during vulnerable stages of life. Projects that aim to include, develop, or expand research-community partnerships are encouraged. Additional information about the M-LEEaD Center and this Pilot Project Program can be found on the Center’s website (
Short-Term Rapid Response Pilot Project Grant:
Rapid Response pilot project funding objectives:
The objective of this RFA is to provide short-term small research grants to stimulate new directions and enhance current projects relevant to impacts of environmental exposures during vulnerable stages of life. The M-LEEaD Center especially encourages proposals that will use the funds to complete an ongoing study for publication, acquire preliminary data supporting a grant application to an external funding agency, or include research-community partnerships.
Funding Period: December 11, 2017 – March 31, 2018
Budgets should be prepared with a start date of December 11, 2017 and an end date of March 31, 2018. Awarded funds must be spent by March 31, 2018. This is a short-term Rapid Response pilot project.
Eligibility: Any member of the University of Michigan Faculty (tenure-track or research track) is eligible to apply as Principal Investigator (PI). A proposal should have only a single PI.
Amount: Standard project budget requests may be up to $3,600, with at least half of the proposed budget used for M-LEEaD core services. It is anticipated that 6-7 awards will be made.
Deadlines: Final grant applications: November 21, 2017
Please follow this link for more details. Applications should be submitted electronically through the M-LEEaD website at (
10/24/2017 - 6:00pm- 8:30pm - Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History- 315 E Warren Ave, Detroit, MI 48201 Join COEC for a film screening addressing climate change and environmental justice in Detroit. The viewing will be followed by a panel discussion with representatives from unique and diverse backgrounds: Detroit communities, Detroit Vegan Soul, City of Detroit, General Motors, and the University of Michigan School of Public Health. Registration and detailed description can be found by accessing this link:
For Questions: Please contact Grace Doss at
Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice at
(313) 833-3935 or via email:
11/07/2017 - Noon - Room 3755 SPH I Chad Milando (PhD Candidate, EHS)
12/05/2017- Noon - Room 3755 SPH I Kelly Bakulski (Research Ass’t Prof, EPID)
Faculty Position in Environmental Medicine
The Department of Environmental Medicine at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry invites applications for Assistant or Associate Professor in the tenure track.
Applicants interested in studying the fundamental mechanisms of toxicity, developmental origins of health and disease, and/or environmental effects on stem/progenitor cells are particularly encouraged to apply. The Department of Environmental Medicine has a strong tradition of excellence in research and education in a highly collaborative environment. The Department is home to an outstanding interdepartmental NIEHS P30 Core Center and the Rochester Toxicology Training Program, as well as two clinical programs in occupational medicine.
All applicants must apply online ( by submitting a curriculum vitae, a brief statement of your research interests and career goals, one page description of teaching experience, and contact details for four references.
The posting number for this position is 203950.
2018 Toxicology and Risk Assessment Conference April 23-26, 2018
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
TRAC Email – TRAC Website
The 2018 Toxicology and Risk Assessment Conference (TRAC) is a 4-day meeting focusing on topics in toxicology and risk assessment principles and practice. The conference provides attendees with an overview of current research, methodologic, and practice issues that are the focus of toxicology and risk assessment efforts in various Federal agencies, academic institutions, industry, and other organizations.
The theme for TRAC 2018 is “Models, Methods, and Emerging Concerns”. The Plenary session, on the first day of the main conference, and specific workshops on risk assessment methodologies held on the days before and after the two main conference days, comprise TRAC 2018. A detailed agenda, and conference venue and registration information, are forthcoming.
Also featured is a poster session, with trainee competition, for which the poster abstract deadline is March 12, 2018. The poster session is designed to provide participants the opportunity to share their work in a focused, collegial environment. We invite poster abstract submissions that have been submitted in the previous year at other relevant conferences to stimulate discussion in the more focused environment of TRAC.
Click here for a PDF with useful information about NIH Public Access Policy regarding citing the center grant.
Per NIH grants policy, all publications, press releases, and other documents relevant to research funded by the center must include a specific acknowledgement of support. For the EHS Core Center, this statement may read:
“Support for this research was provided by grant P30ES017885 from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.”