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Please contact Michelle Daoud at for items you would like included in our M-LEEaD Newsletter
Reviewing for other P30 Centers
Thank you to all of the faculty members who have shared their expertise with other P30 centers this year.   M-LEEaD would like to know when you are volunteering your time to help further our mission.  Please contact Michelle Daoud at regarding which centers you have helped in the past year.
M-LEEaD at March for Science

On Saturday, April 22nd M-LEEaD members came out to March for Science in full force! M-LEEaD members were in attendance across the country.  

Marie O'Neill, PhD in Washington, D.C.

Rita Loch-Caruso, PhD was featured on Mlive's 50 signs spotted at the Ann Arbor March for Science

Rita Loch-Caruso, PhD and Andrew Ault, PhD in Ann Arbor, MI

If you have a photo that you would like to share please send it to Michelle Daoud at

Watch Past Events Online

The Environmental Research Seminar: “Health Equity at Industrial Scale: the Frank Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act under the Trump Administration” with Dr. Tracey Woodruff, Dr. Gina Solomon, Nick Schroeck, Dr. Tala Henry is available to watch on the M-LEEaD website here.

In case you missed it, check out Mlive's coverage of the event:
Health Equity at Industrial Scale: Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act Under the Trump Administration.

Speakers included Dr. Gina Solomon, Deputy Secretary Cal EPA, and Dr. Tracey Woodruff, UCSF Program for Reproductive Health and the Environment. You may have heard Dr. Woodruff on NPR or To the Point or read her piece in the BNA.  US EPA's Dr. Tala Henry is the division director responsible for risk assessment for the Lautenberg TSCA implementation. Nick Schroeck, J.D., from Wayne State's Transnational Environmental Law Clinic will provide an overview of the new law. 

This event was sponsored by: University of Michigan Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease Center (M-LEEaD) and Wayne State Center for Urban Responses to Environmental Stressors (CURES).
Additional Sponsors: Michigan Public Health Training Center; University of Michigan School of Nursing; Wayne State Law School; Great Lakes Environmental Law Center; U-M Environmental Law & Policy Program; U-M School of Public Health - Epidemiology

Thank you to Trish Koman for organizing this successful seminar!

Click here for a PDF with useful information about NIH Public Access Policy regarding citing the center grant.

Per NIH grants policy, all publications, press releases, and other documents relevant to research funded by the center must include a specific acknowledgement of support. For the EHS Core Center, this statement may read:

Support for this research was provided by grant P30ES017885 from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.”

Theme:  Organizational vs.
activational aspects
Cheryl Walker
Emily Oken  
(cosponsored by human
nutrition and EHS P30)

Theme:  Epigenetics /
Kelle Moley
Barbara Cohn

Theme:  Interventions
Tracy Bale
Teresa Powell

WHAT:  The developmental
origin of metabolic
dysfunctions Symposium

WHEN: Monday,
October 9, 2017

WHERE: Kahn Auditorium

Events can also be
found on the
M-LEEaD website
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