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Please contact Michelle Daoud at for items you would like included in our M-LEEaD Newsletter
Photos from the Early Career Development Workshop
Thank you to the M-LEEaD Career Development Program Leader, Dr. Gilbert Omenn and Co-Leader, Dr. Laura Rozek for putting on a successful workshop!

On Wednesday, May 31, 2017,  M-LEEaD and Wayne State's CURES presented the Early Career Development Workshop.

Rita Loch-Caruso and Melissa Runge-Morris
Photo Credit: Julian Esaw

Rena Seltzer led the workshop with, "How to Have More Time for Research and Writing

Laura Rozek and Rena Seltzer
Photo Credit: Julian Esaw

Tracie Baker (CURES) and  Andrew Ault presented their research.

Tracie Baker and Justin Colacino
Photo Credit: Julian Esaw

Photo Credit: Julian Esaw
Andrew Ault
Photo Credit: Julian Esaw

The Michigan Center on Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease (M-LEEaD) provides research support for training and mentorship of early stage investigators.  These resources target investigators with specific skill sets that are consistent with the Center’s stated mission of promoting new translational research using novel multi-disciplinary approaches to better understand the impact of environmental exposures on adult diseases.
Announcement from the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services:

MiTracking - Michigan Environmental Public Health Tracking

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Division of Environmental Health is pleased to announce its MiTracking data portal is now live. The MiTracking Program gathers existing Michigan-specific data on environmental hazards and health conditions and makes them available in one online location. Data and information are available on air quality, asthma, cancer, heart attacks, childhood lead exposure, and more.

Everyone, from parents to researchers, can easily access data on the interactive data portal, which provides users the ability to:

•       Search for data by county, local health department, or statewide, and by time period. MiTracking is working to provide data for the City of Detroit as well.
•       Compare data across race, age, and gender for some measures.
•       Select, download, and print customized tables, charts, and maps.
•       Discover trends and measure progress over time.
•       Create greater awareness of environmental health concerns in their communities.

MiTracking is administered in the Division of Environmental Health at MDHHS, and supports the overall mission of the Division to address the impacts of natural and manmade environmental hazards on human health. Additional environmental and health data will be added in the future. The MiTracking Program is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Tracking Network.

Find the data, information, and additional resources at Contact Jill Maras, Program Manager with comments or questions about the MiTracking Program at or 517-284-4813.
University of Michigan DOHAD Symposium
Brigid Gregg MD, Seed Pilot Project Awardee, and Vasantha Padmanabhan PhD, M-LEEaD Research Engagement Program Leader,  are excited to give you more details about the upcoming University of Michigan symposium on the "Developmental Origins of Metabolic Syndrome" scheduled for October 9, 2017. Details on the speakers and agenda can be found be accessing this link:
Registration and abstract submission for the symposium are now open. Please follow the link for details on registration. This event will be free, however we need attendees to register in order to plan for the day. We will also select additional speakers from the submitted abstracts. The abstract deadline will be August 1, 2017.   
A formal poster will follow closer to the symposium date. Please forward to your units and any colleagues you think would be interested. 

The University of Michigan Symposium on
"Developmental Origins of Metabolic Syndrome"

Monday, October 9th 2017

Kahn Auditorium

Tracy Bale,Barbara Cohn, Kelle Moley,  Emily Oken, Teresa Powell, and Cheryl Walker

More information can be found here:

Events can also be found on the
M-LEEaD website

Click here for a PDF with useful information about NIH Public Access Policy regarding citing the center grant.

Per NIH grants policy, all publications, press releases, and other documents relevant to research funded by the center must include a specific acknowledgement of support. For the EHS Core Center, this statement may read:

Support for this research was provided by grant P30ES017885 from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.”

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